Sunday, 20 April 2008

A maxi-adventure: Part 1: Borough market.

Well, what can I say other than we have we have eaten very well this weekend. So much so that both of us are rolling about holding our tummies. We headed off to the big smoke (Londinium) to catch up with family, friends and to eat a lot of food.

Neill and Emma have been working a living in London for over a year now, and as happens to many people find that living in a place does not necessarily mean you get to explore a place. So, Emma and I hatched a plan which would involve walking, talking and noshing. Ok, I devised it-so there was a lot of the latter.

We started off at Borough market on what was a cold and windy day and how better to warm up then with some hot cider?

I had done my research and knew that of all the goodies on offer I wanted the Brindisa chorizo roll and the Ogelthorpe toasted cheese sandwich most. I had arrived early so I could scout the place out, I knew that exact location of the stalls and I knew who my competition were (well I thought I did, but they ended up being two guys just having a seat and a chat).

The Brindisa chorizo roll stall

The Bill Ogelthorpe cheese sandwich and Raclette stall

I needn't of worried, all the chat on-line of there being huge queues wasn't an issue that day and I got my prizes without too much effort. A what prizes they were, look at this;

The Brindisa roll:Portuguese crusty roll, chorizo, Piquillo peppers, olive-oil, rocket. £3.50

This was delish, I thought it was meant to come with aioli but it didn't, and that probably a good thing as it the ciabatta was only just about able to mop up all the lovely olive oil and paprika oil from the chorizo.

Grated Montgomery cheddar heaped between slices of Poilâne bread, along with five types of onion (red, white, shallot, spring and leek) and a bit of garlic. Yowza! £4.

This was also delish but way too rich for me. I know that Ruth Reichl (ex-NY Times food critic and now editor of Gourmet mag), whom I respect a whole lot, (see Garlic and Sapphires) says its her favourite cheese sandwich, or "Platonic Ideal" to be exact, but I don't think I could eat a whole one myself, we shared this between three of us.
Could it be that I am loosing my gourmand abilities?

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