Monday, 17 November 2008

Applecross Inn.

I had fond memories of this place from a visit about eight years ago. Time had also dulled the memory of the most scary road I have ever driven. To drive this road voluntarily, there must be something good at the end of it to make it worthwhile, especially as driving means a stiff drink is out of the question. Unfortunately, as with most places revisited out of nostalgia, it didn't live up to my misty memories. It is a quaint, pretty place and even when the wind is blowing a gale and the rain is horizontal it still looks lovely.

I optimistically ordered the oysters

and it was not till I had thrown back my second one that I noticed a little beastie in the remaining shell. Hmmm as sign of it being either really fresh or not that clean I thought.
I passed the rest over to HI.

He had ordered a haggis, drambuie and cream starter

which was a rich as it sounds. For my main I had the scallop dish.

This was what I had been waiting for. In my memory it was served in a shell with wild rice, chunks of bacon and tasty little scallops. The version I got was tasty but not as refined. HI ordered the Venision sausages which were ok but not that tasty.

It wasn't cheap either. That and a beer came to £40 which I thought was a bit steep but i suppose we did have oysters.

Some places are best left as memories..

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