Tuesday, 11 November 2008


This was inadvertently our third GRH, or if being pedantic, second GRH meal of the weekend, and unfortunately, it turned out to be a farce, primarily because the service was so bloody slow. It took two hours from being seated to the middle of our mains.

Now, I am all for a leisurely Sunday lunch but this was a bit too much. So, much so we have to leave half way through our mains to make our way to the airport to catch our flight home, a flight which we missed.

I hold our waiter responsible.

It's been a long time since we have had a waiter so disinterested and snooty. It's quite sad, as the rest of his colleagues were lovely. He let them down and he let the restaurant down. It's a grand old dame of a place and there is a sense of occasion. The food was good and quite old school as you might expect. Pity I didn't get to eat my pudding. I just hope Neill and Emma ate all four.


Mackerel salad


At £30 for three courses it's great value, pity one person's attitude spoiled what was meant to be a lovely lunch catching up with some friends.

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