Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Piece: my new favourite place

Piece is just round the corner and makes very good sandwiches. It has been open nearly a year and is owned and run by two very friendly guys, one who is Irish and one from Birmingham apparently. I had gone in back in November round about the time of my birthday and it came up in conversation that it was my birthday so they gave me a free cupcake, how nice. On Friday they make a tree onion soup which sounds delish but given how hot it is at the moment i have not yet tried it. Over that last couple of weeks I have sampled a number of their 'pieces' but have come up with a favourite of my own. Ciabatta with roast garlic mayo, red onion, roast chicken and salad.

It is yum. They also do a thai stye pork which is very tasty. Although I am still off coffee from the looks of satisfaction on people's faces they do this well too.

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