Friday, 11 April 2008

The Fat Duck. What, the F ** ****?

Forgive me, but I am annoyed, and I only have myself to blame.

After HI tried and failed to get reservations for our anniversary I took up the challenge myself. 'Ha!' I thought 'I have nothing better to do this Friday morning than to sit and press re-dial on the phone'.
So there I was, all set up, coffee on hand, surfing the net, with the number of The Fat Duck programmed into my mobile phone. I even had a test call at 9.55 am. I knew how many times it rang, I knew that there were caller options. So, at 10am precisely ( or so I thought) I was on the phone and low and behold I got through. 'Ha' I thought "what's all this non-sense about it being a difficult reservation to get?" But then it went pear shaped, twice, or actually three times. Twice I got through but The Fat Duck must not be on Greenwich meantime, because although all of the clock's in our flat said it was 10.00am, the clock's in The Fat Duck said it wasn't and I had to hang up. Then at 10.17 am I got through hurrah! But then the stupid duufus that I am realised that their 2 month policy was two calendar months not some zany american version and the nice lady was offering me lunch or dinner on a Wednesday.

I sheepishly had to tell her I would call back on Monday. How annoying.

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