Tuesday, 5 March 2013


keeping the blog going has proved hard. I don't have the time or the words anymore. I am ashamed to say there are a whole bunch of places that I should have written about ( Brawn, bob bib ricard, the Ledbury, Hawksmoor Spitalfields bar, bull and last, Byron, Delhi grill, Gauthier, and in Barcelona: Paco a meralgo, Pinotxo, Cuines Santa Maria, Can Ravell, Cremeria Toscana, Jamonisimo, Embat, Kiosko burger, la cova fumada, Vioko and Bubo) that I havn't. So, as they say, I need to evolve or die. Nowadays the primary function of the blog is to act as a visual diary of our lives, so, thanks to John, Evernote food might just be the answer. This way I can log my meals as they happen, no need to up load photos from the camera to the laptop and then onto blogger etc. Now all I have to do is figure out how to redirect any remaining traffic from here to there!

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